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Freelance Project / UI design

Digital Medical Card

Bringing transparency and accessibility to the healthcare system through digital solution

Digital Medical Card is the first mobile and web-based application for Ukrainian health care workers. It helps doctors to keep track of patients' health history and plans for future treatment. We aimed to digitalize health record system while negotiating values for hospital owner and users

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Role:  UI/UX designer
Timeline:  3 weeks
Target Audience: Doctors
What and Why?
Responsibilities:  Translating paper-based document into a user-friendly digital product
How might we accelerate a health system’s ability to effectively accomplish tasks fast and effectively?
Team:  Solo (Contributor)
Language/COVID-19/No reference

I have faced numerous challenges while working on this humbling project. For one, it was in the Ukrainian language which I didn't understand at all. To overcome this obstacle I had to use Google Translator and check the correct translation with my client. Another problem was the inability to talk to potential users directly. Therefore, I had to base my research on the extensive discussion with client and literature reviews. 

Timeline and Responsibilities
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Understanding the problem 

After being assigned to translate paper-based health record card into interactive desktop and mobile apps, I received only a sample of the current health record form which was not enough to create a user-centered product. Therefore, I organized an online meeting with the client to gain more information about our potential users' pain points(doctors within his hospital). 

After being assigned to translate paper-based health record card into interactive desktop and mobile apps, I received only a sample of the current health record form which was not enough to create a user-centered product. Therefore, I organized an online meeting with the client to gain more information about our potential users' pain points(doctors within his hospital). 

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Current health record card
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After video call, we have identified three core problems that he would like to be addressed to increase the efficiency of workflow

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Based on doctors feedback and client interview I have created an empathy map for the better illustration of core needs and pain points of our target audience. 

Finding the opportunities

How can we turn problems into opportunities? 

To gain an understanding of the current state of health record system, I asked my client to walk me through the process of documentation experience, from when they interact with patients to how they store data.

Based on his response, I created a customer journey map to represent current health history documentation process. The the data was consolidated to establish a plan of action

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Where values overlap and what to prioritize?

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Solutions to possible obstacles while using product

Filtering tool that will allow to find necessary note by date/name/number


Predictive text that will allow to speed up the process of documentation


In case, doctors forget to save data, app will ask to save or cancel the creation of new health histiry note before closing the app

Losing data

Prioritizing tasks by deadline approaching and dsiplaying them accordingly

Integration with calendar

It is easy to get confused while exploring new technology and at some point it might be even stressful. Therefore, we have taken a step further to explore possible problems users might encounter while using product. This will allow us to create intuitive design soltuion

Information Architecture
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After confirming design solution and features I am going to develop with client, I have designed low/mid/ high fidelity wireframes with simple interactions to demonstrate the funcytionality of web app. Oncwe the design soltuion was approved mobile app was created 

Designed solution

Digitalizing health record system to improve workflow and increase the quality of patient's care
Digitalizing health record system to improve workflow and increase the quality of patient's care

With this web/mobile app doctors will always have information at hand enabling them quickly access and fill out forms or even consult patients wherever it is necessary. Ignat, my client, doesn't have to hire personnel to administer archives: he can easily monitor everything workflow whenever he wants. 


Unlike paper-based notes, this app uses predictive text feature and contains a quick explanations of medical terms which greatly decreases the overall wrokload and stress level. This will also reduce mistyping and errors. Except filtering tool which allows to find necessary data easily the app also make chenges within notes without losing previous information. 

Doctors can share health record history with other by sending links or inviting to collaborative treatment. They can also download every documentation as pdf for print


Further I would like to change colors by making it more visible and readable. Moreover, I would think of ways to reduce amount repetitive actions by designing animations and make user expereince more fun.

Client's feedback

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Very attentive and dilligent. Flexible in iterating design solutions. 


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