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Product design / Get Fit / Personal Project

Get Fit is a proactive fitness assistant that uses behavior-forming methods to help users reach their fitness goals


UI/UX designer




Design Strategy

UX research


The outbreak of COVID 19 has significantly affected both the physical and mental health of people not to mention the closure of gym and fitness companies. With this regard, the demand for fitness apps has increased but the poor quality and content of  fitness apps stay the same 

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Project Goal
Design a mobile app that makes user's experience enjoyable by addressing their pain points while increasing a customer retention rate 
GET Fit is a proactive fitness app that uses behavior-forming methods to help users accomplish their fitness goals
Project Timeline
Atomic Research
How the pandemic affected user's behaviors and why other apps are not helpful

Due to the pandemic, people can't go out and attend group training. Some users haven't formed the habit of exercising in-doors meaning they need a strong motivation and work ethics to keep up with their goals. I interviewed my friends who have been experimenting with different fitness apps for 3 months. I also read a few books to understand how new habits are formed and the ways to incorporate that into my design solution.  Besides, competitor analysis was conducted to learn which features may yield better results in keeping users fully engaged

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Understanding users

Based on Atomic research and interview I created three user personas representing out target audience

Based on Atomic research and interview I created three user personas representing out target audience

Interview findings
Based on our target audiences I want to address 
3 core needs: 

1. Opportunity for promotion of business 
2. Ability to receive guidance and support 
3. Personalized workout plan
Where the value lies? 

I have analized three most popular apps among my friends and reviewed feedbacks on Appstore and Google Play Market. While the positive comments outweighed the negative there were crucial user's pain points that I could address in my design solution  

Where the value lies? 
Where the value lies? 
Where the value lies? 
Where the value lies? 
Where the value lies? 
Value Vienn Diagram

Our findings show that people want not only workout or keep track of their activities but they also want to be educated, informed and rewarded for the activities they commit themselves. The reason for not achieving the target was not starting but sticking to their plans 


More clicks discourage people  form using the app. Reducing efforts  to take action  will  significantly improve user experience 

Why less is more?

Since users need emotional support and external triggers during the process of losing weight  not after Social Media has little impact on progress 

Does social media integration help? 

Users should already know how to use product before its release. App will yield higher success if it mimics some patterns of popular products

Don't make me think too long

Personalized feedback leverages habit formation by increasing people's satisfaction, motivation, and intention to keep up with current activities.

Need for external triggers

Design Solution
How do we use technology to provide equal opportunity(business, health) to all users while empowering them to habituate healthy life-style and exercising ?
Our opportunities
Incorporating behaviour-changing methods
After literature review I highlighted 4 elements that can be useful in changing user behaviour and habituating workout plans. Also, synthesizing social media effects helped a lot to understand human behaviour

Books: 1. Hooked: How to build habit forming products by Nir Eyal
2. Seductive Interaction Design by Stephen Anderson
Its integration with Google Map, Calendar and other devices will allow users to have better experience in keeping track of their activities and set SMART goals. It will also show users exactly how much of daily/weekly/monthly goal is completed
In-app community that would allow users connect with like-minded people, participate in challenges, help each other by sharing advices on diet and workout plan. They will receive support in the forms of like or kudos, comments while becoming
Get fit is behaviour changing app that uses entered inputs to personalize workout plans. It is inclusive and accessable. Get fit encourages group workouts and challenges. This will help users to connect with like-minded people and keep them motivated
Unlike other apps, Get Fit provides
proactive assistance in the journey of losing weight by keeping them motivated through its in-app community. Beyond affordability, Get Fit helps to find a
coach and book a lesson whenever they want
Why these colors?
Designing for behavior-change: Proactive assistance and seamless integration
Based on the research above low/mid/ high fidelity prototypes were created. With each iteration, additional elements were added and created. The concept development was reviewed and approved by senior designer
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Placing goals and current achievements around the profile photo is a great way to keep a user take a pride in her/her hard work simultaneously boosting her/his confidence in maintaining a perfect body shape. 
The next noticeable thing under the profile picture is current activities and how many kcal they could burn in each activity. This way users can quickly create an individual workout plan that suits them the most by discarding the least effective activities. 
The user can easily access its detailed daily, weekly, monthly stats just by swiping left and right.  The profile also displays the user's journey from point A to point B, also, shows which activity was the most useful in losing weight
What are the next steps? 

The development process is temporarily suspended. In order to continue with other steps, I need to collaborate with people who have expertise in VR, AI, and programming. Despite below an approximate map of the next steps

Further, I will focus on developing and improving the in-app community. Google Map / Calendar/ Weather Integration will be the next step after the community platform. 


Complete all features

Micro-interactions and well-thought animations can not only reduce the number of clicks but it can also improve user experience by making it fun and playful


Interaction design

This project is the first draft so it is vital to test the product. After completing features it should be validated and improved



GET FIT is a modern fitness app promoting healthy lifestyle. Continuing to analyze the latest trend such as VR, AI and user behavior will help technology to come closer to an optimal fitness experience


Launch and evolve

The aim of this project was to unite like-minded people and navigate them in maintaining a healthy lifestyle while allowing fitness trainers to provide online classes


In this humbling project I understood the vitality of user empathy and teamwork. Building empathy went beyond just interviewing or reading user feedback on online communities. It required me to read 2 books, stitch together all the artifacts to get into the mind of users and foresee their interaction with technology. 

Since UI/UX design was just emerging in my country, there were no students with whom I could have collaborated. While Solo work is not impossible collaboration would give more introspection and insights. But some aspects were reviewed by the senior  UI/UX designer who gave me feedback on where to improve and what to eliminate. 

While this project is still under development, the user's core needs were addressed and converged into one design solution. Further, I would like to continue translating user problems to creative solutions


Digital Health card

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